Best electric scooters for 2022

VBike's Top 4 Electric Scooters 

“Owning an electric scooter is all about freedom: freedom from having to take a bus or train, freedom to stroll farther than you could on foot, and freedom from polluting the air with a car.”

Riding an electric scooter may not be the most stylish way to get around. However, reducing our reliance on gas-guzzling automobiles is both cool and crucial. If riding a bike or an electric bike isn't your thing or if they’re just impractical for you on a day to day basis, e-scooters are another environmentally friendly way to travel without burning fossil fuels.

They fold up easily, are lighter than ebikes (sometimes), and overcome the need to depend on public transportation. Just hop on and go.

If you have a route or commute that might benefit from this kind of personal transportation, electric scooters can reduce your travel time and enable you to ride straight past the traffic. That said, the question of ‘which e scooter is best for you comes into play. We have reviewed and rated the best you can buy in the list below. Let's find out.

Kaabo Wolf Warrior X Pro Plus

Yes, it's slightly heavier than its competitors, but we gave it five stars in the review because we were so impressed with the overall package. It’s safe, reliable and has great power."

Today's electric scooter market demands top dollar for top performance. This is why the Kaabo Wolf Warrior X Pro Plus is uniquely positioned as an economical scooter that delivers power, performance, and convenience. From the braced twin shocks to the solid cast aluminum head tube region to the 3" tires, everything on this scooter is heavy-duty, even the kickstand is the strongest we've seen yet.

Price: $3,599 - On sale $3,000
Top Speed: 80km/h
Weight: 33.8KG

Vsett 10+ Electric Scooter

Ideal for longer rides, the Vsett 10+ Electric Scooter comes with all the trimmings, from a battery life that will give you up to 185 km of travel and a legally-limited maximum speed of 80 km/h, to an LED dashboard, three-speed modes, and much more. It's one of the most ultraportable last-mile scooters on the market.

Price: $3,899.00
Top Speed: 80km/h
Weight: 35.5KG

Vsett 9+ Electric Scooter

The Vsett 9+ Electric Scooter is an in-house favourite, and that’s saying something, considering the number of e-scooters we’ve had the pleasure of riding out on the road. Its dual 650 W motors accelerate to 53 km/h, while the dual disc brakes bring you to a complete stop. The overall appearance of the Vsett 9+ Electric Scooter is unique, with every design feature contributing to the quality experience it provides. Aside from that, the build quality is exceptional.

Price: $2,499.00
Top Speed: 53km/h
Weight: 23KG

Vsett 8+ Electric Scooter

The Vsett 8+ Electric Scooter is an extremely comfortable last-mile scooter. It excels at the basics, from a headlight that reliably brightens dark streets to a functional front and rear brake system that quickly stops you. The 600 W motor provides power for hill climbs, while the dual coil swing arm suspension enhances comfort on bumpy surfaces. So, the Vsett 8 Electric Scooter is reasonably priced, while getting a very capable and compact electric scooter in return.

Price: $1,599.00
Top Speed: 45km/h
Weight: 24KG


"We invest the time and resources to test electric scooters in-person so you don't have to struggle to find the perfect one for you."

We want to help our readers in finding low-carbon, emissions-free transportation solutions. We've given as many options as we could, since what works for one person might not work for another.  Now that you have learned about e scooters, you will definitely want to have one. Check out VBike's range of electric scooters to find what works best for you.

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