When comparing riding indoors to riding outdoors, it’s easy to see why everyone has started to see the benefits in training indoors. Riding indoors is not only better for your performance it is also more social, it’s not weather dependent and you can do it whenever you want! There’s a reason why pro-cyclists do most of their training indoors.
Here are our top 5 reasons why you should ride indoors….
1. It's not weather dependant
Bad weather can make it very hard when trying to stick to a training routine. While you can buy some good winter gear sometimes it's more than a little drizzle of rain and your wet weather gear can only do so much. Instead of riding drenched in the rain and/or getting blown in the wind and risk getting sick or injured don’t just not ride, ride indoors!

At the VBike Indoor Cycling Studio we have the perfect setup so you can stay warm and dry while still chatting to your friends and getting your workout done efficiently. Alternatively you can get yourself an indoor trainer so you can ride from home. .
2. Measuring your progress
“You can't change what you can't measure.”
Essentially this is saying improvements can only be made when you know what to improve on, so no more guesswork. When you're riding indoors you have the ability to accurately track your data both during and after your ride to help measure your progress.

At the VBike Indoor Cycling Studio we track a range of metrics including your heart rate, cadence, watts and so much more… After your ride we then send you a ride report showing you where you're at so you can measure your progress as you go.
When you sign up we also get you to do an FTP test to help determine your level of riding. Going harder doesn’t necessarily mean quicker results, we aim for steady growth without the risk of overtraining or injury. For more info read our blog on Low Heart Rate Training - The VBike Philosophy.
3. Ride with friends at your own pace

Are you sick of riding at your friends pace? We all have that one friend that's faster than us and charges ahead and we also have that one friend that can’t quite keep up. Well we’ve got a solution for you, when you ride indoors you can all ride at your own pace, yet you’re still right next to each other the whole time. This makes going for a ride much more social and enjoyable as it allows each of you to challenge yourself according to your own abilities, while still having your friends right there to keep you motivated.
4. Ride risk free and on your own schedule
We all know riding on the road can be dangerous with cars and other distractions on the road but did you think that riding at 5am was the only solution? Well you're wrong, riding indoors allows you to ride anytime without distractions or other risks that come with riding outdoors. Whether you’re riding from home on an indoor trainer or you come into VBike’s Indoor Cycling Studio anytime is a good time (as long as we’re open) and there’s 0 RISK!!
5. Riding indoors is more efficient!
Besides all the other benefits it has actually been proven that riding indoors is more effective than riding on the road. According to studies 60 minutes of riding indoors is the equivalent of riding 90 minutes riding outdoors. The reason for this is there is no stopping at traffic lights, slowing down for cars, or coasting down hills when you ride indoors. So if you're pushed for time but still want to get a decent workout in, riding indoors is your solution.
If you're interested in our indoor cycling studio we offer a FREE trial to make sure you like it before you sign up. For more info, or, to book a FREE trial visit our website (https://indoorstudio.vbike.co.nz/), or, contact us on 09 215 2136.
Alternatively, if you prefer riding from your home we sell indoor trainers too. (https://vbike.co.nz/collections/indoor-trainers)