How often should I service my bike?

"How often should I maintain my bike?" “Do I really need a bike service?” These are frequently asked questions we often get from new bike owners. The answer is the better you look after your bike and the more often you get it serviced the safer it will be to ride.

Maintaining your bike often will ensure your bike doesn't have any sudden issues, helping assure you of your safety when riding. The most important reason to have your bike serviced (regardless of activity) is safety - the more maintained and serviced your bike is, the less chance of a mechanical issue and the safer your ride will be. 

Why should I get a bike service?

Whether you are concerned about the safety of your children, intending to start your daily commute, increasing your fitness, or preparing for your first cycling event of the season, a service should be on the minds of every cyclist or parent of a child riding a bike. This blog explains the importance of regular maintenance and servicing, as well as how often you should get your bike serviced to ensure you don’t risk anything breaking down during your ride.

After Every Ride

A regular check up and test of your bike is a smart habit to cultivate; if you’re not already doing this, you should start. A simple check such as checking your brake function, tyre pressure as well as cleaning and lubricating your chain. As a bike owner you should try to do your own basic maintenance, however, a regular full bike service is also very important. While some bike owners may know how to do a service themselves we know everyone isn’t a bike whiz and that’s why you got VBike. At VBike we offer a Bronze Service for anyone needing a basic bike service, making sure you can ride with confidence next time your on the bike

The Bronze Service at VBike includes:

  • Check/adjust tire pressure.
  • Check brake pads (and replace if needed)
  • Examine and make sure gears are working properly
  • Clean and lubricate the chain.

This service, as you may have noted, includes the necessities and basics for a healthy functioning bike. To book this service Click Here.

After 6-9 months

It's time to start looking for signs of wear and slack.

After 6-9 months we recommend getting a Silver Service to get your bike back up to scratch, with this service we make sure there is no worn, loosen, and incorrectly configured / adjusted parts:

  • Check/adjust tire pressure.
  • Check brake pads (and replace if needed)
  • Examine and make sure gears are working properly
  • Clean and lubricate the chain.
  • Check fork/shock air pressure
  • Check over bike for any components that need to be replaced

This is our most popular service as it ensures your bike is safe and ready to ride.  To book this service Click Here.

While we recommend getting this service every 6-9  months we do recommend a more frequent service depending on how your bike is used, such as; how often you ride, the terrain you're riding on, your level of riding ect… Also, being in the peak of Winter with these harsh winter conditions can be extremely damaging to a bike. This means maintaining and cleaning your bike after a winter ride is very important, especially if the bike has got wet and/or muddy. 



To ensure you can ride your bike without worrying about your chain being too loose, your tires going flat, or your gears seizing up, you should not only maintain your bike but as mentioned you should get a regular service from a professional bike mechanic. In doing this, you'll benefit and likely find it a cheaper option as this minimizes the risk of something breaking which you would then have to replace at a larger expense. A well-maintained bike will make you more motivated to ride, improve your performance, and help you reach your goals without anything going wrong. Your bike is an essential component of your riding experience, and it requires as much care as your diet and training strategy.


“At the end of the day, if you want to be safe when riding your bike on the roads, you just need to pay close attention and respect your trusted bike.”

Updated: Published:

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